All About Compression Socks

All About Compression Socks
If you have trouble with circulation, or if you often experience pain or swelling below the knees, your doctor may recommend using compression socks. These garments are also beneficial to athletes and people who are recovering from injuries and medical procedures. While certain grades of compression socks require a prescription, others are available over the counter.
Continue reading to learn more about the benefits of compression socks, then come shop our selection at Mark Drug Medical Supply! We have a great selection of compression apparel for sale at our store in Wheeling, IL, near Chicago.
How Do They Work?
Compression socks are specially constructed to exert therapeutic pressure on the calves and feet. This pressure directs blood flow toward the heart and helps to reduce swelling in the lower extremities. Compression socks can be worn comfortably throughout the day, and they are available in a range of compression levels. Medical-grade compression socks are used to treat medical conditions such as deep vein thrombosis, lymphedema, and leg ulcers.
What Are the Benefits of Compression Socks?
Compression socks can benefit almost anyone. If you need a circulation boost, either to increase your athletic performance or to prevent numbness and swelling in the feet, compression socks can make a big difference. Compression socks can also serve as a valuable tool in the prevention and management of venous diseases.
Compression socks are safe and effective, so long as you choose the right size and compression level for your needs. Make sure to consult your doctor before you start wearing compression socks. They can provide you with advice based on your individual health needs.
When you’re ready to shop for compression socks, head over to Mark Drug Medical Supply in Wheeling, IL. We serve customers from all over the North Shore area.