Catheters And Urological Supplies For Sale in Wheeling, IL

Urological Products
From Mark Drug Medical Supply
Urological products are designed for those who have urinary retention and need assistance removing urine from the body. This could be due to a blockage in the urethra or an issue with the nervous system that prevents the bladder muscles from relaxing. Urination is obviously an important part of everyone’s lives, so having the right urological supplies to make you feel more comfortable is essential. Some products you’ll see on the market include thin, smooth tubes known as catheters that are inserted into the bladder through the urethra which allows trapped urine to leave the body. Urine travels through this tub and collects in a drainage bag, leaving the user feeling more comfortable having emptied their bladder.
Common urological products you’ll encounter include catheters, drainage bags, and insertion trays. Different types of catheters accommodate different medical needs. When you’re ready to browse some urological products for sale, visit Mark Drug Medical Supply in Wheeling, Illinois, near Chicago and North Shore!

Mark Drug Medical Supply is a catheter supplier that people trusted to provide superior catheter supplies in the surrounding Chicagoland area for over 30 years. If you already have experience using catheters (called cathing) you already know how important it is to go for quality when purchasing from a catheter supplier. If a doctor or other medical professional has just told you that you need to start using them, then it is time for you to invest in the best catheter supplies to make this transition easier on yourself and for your health. With our incredible selection of catheters, we're confident that we have the one you need! Stop in and see us or give us a call and let our experts help you choose the best catheter for your needs.
Can You Reuse Catheters?
Several catheter users have tried to save money by reusing their catheters and some have even been advised to do so by their doctors. They simply wash them out and reuse them. This method is know as “clean cath” Studies have shown that reusing catheters is not sterile and you are taking a risk of infection. Further research has shown that using a sterile catheter each time you need a replacement catheter can reduce the amount of urinary tract infections that the users will get over time. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines say that urinary catheters should be considered as a one-time use only device and is printed on most catheter packages. Because of this change in classification Medicare and most other major insurance companies now require you to use a new sterile catheter each time that you catheterize. This will significantly reduce the risk of a urinary tract infection, and potential hospital stay.
Urological Insurance Information
Q: What is needed to get coverage?
A: A qualifying diagnosis and a prescription from your doctor stating how many times a day you catheterize.*
Qualifying diagnosis are permanent urinary retention, and permanent urinary incontinence
****Medicare defines permanent as a period expected to last over 90 days
** As of 2011 we now also need documentation from your "medical record" or your Dr. Chart notes inorder to order supplies. This must be reobtained on an annual basis.
Medicare Allowables*
We can send 1 catheter for how many times a day you catheterize; i.e. if you catheterize 5 times a day, we can send 150 catheters (the max in a month is 200 or 7 times a day). You are also able to order 1 lubricant per catheter.
- 2 leg bags
- 2 overnight drainage bags
How to Place an Order
Please call Mark Drug Medical Supply at 847-537-8500 to place an order. You can place 1 or 3-month orders.
*Please note these are general outlines for coverage and we cannot guarantee coverage until claims are submitted and paid.