Sleeping With an Ostomy

Sleeping With an Ostomy
After you have an ostomy procedure, you might find it difficult to sleep comfortably. You might need to switch to a different sleeping position in order to accommodate your stoma. The following tips from Mark Drug Medical Supply can help you adjust to sleeping with an ostomy! Mark Drug Medical Supply is your destination for ostomy supplies in the North Shore area.
Finding the Right Sleeping Position
Most people with stomas find it easier and more comfortable to sleep on their backs. That said, sleeping on your side is not out of the question. If you are usually a side sleeper, you might not need to change your ways – just make sure that your ostomy pouch remains in a safe, neutral position while you sleep. You can place a pillow under your pouch for support.
You might also find it helpful to wear a snug T-shirt to bed and tuck your pouch under it. The shirt will hold your pouch in place while you sleep.
Sleeping on your stomach with an ostomy is not usually recommended, as it may increase the likelihood that your ostomy pouch will leak. However, if you are dedicated to sleeping on your stomach, you can make it work with the right arrangement of pillows. The goal is to ensure that your stoma and pouch are not being crushed under your weight.
Emptying Your Pouch at Night
You might need to drain your ostomy pouch at night. Make sure you have a lamp close to your bed that you can easily turn on to check your pouch as needed. You should also store some sanitary wipes within reach, in case you experience a leak.
If you want to avoid having to drain your ostomy pouch at night, you can use a night drainage system. This is a system that connects to the bottom of your pouch and passively drains the stoma into a larger bedside container.
It may be challenging at first, but with time and practice, sleeping with an ostomy will become second nature. If you need more advice on living with an ostomy, you are always welcome to consult the team here at Mark Drug Medical Supply! We serve customers from all over the Chicago area at our store in Wheeling, IL.
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